
Wonderland September/October'09 (part 2)

Presenting.. Chase Crawford !

Photography by Alexi Lubomirski
Fashion Editor Way Perry
Words Marshall Heyman

Gossip Girl heartthrob Chace Crawford is graduating to the big screen with Twelve and stepping up to remake Footloose. He talks to Marshall Heyman about making it in Hollywood

When the actor Chace Crawford removes his baseball cap and pulls up a chair at the Belmont Lounge, a relatively low-key Young Hollywood hangout in the centre of Los Angeles that’s akin to a high-priced dive bar, it is impossible not to get lost in his eyes. They are so electric, so transfixingly ice blue that they deserve their own colour in a box of Crayola Crayons. They are such showstoppers that on the set of Twelve (Crawford’s upcoming film, and his first big-screen starring feature role since Gossip Girl became a worldwide phenomenon), his co-star, the rapper 50 Cent, joked that Crawford has “Skyline Eyes”.

“I’m not going to say it’s hurt me,” Crawford says of his boyish features, which also include his now-signature bushy eyebrows. “I’ve got to thank my mom, though. She’s a beautiful woman. She bestowed on me some good genes.”

Indeed, this summer Crawford’s good genes earned him the much-coveted title of People magazine’s Hottest Bachelor for 2009. Not bad for a college dropout who, just a few short years ago, was earning money by valeting cars at the ocean-front restaurant Geoffrey’s in Malibu.

Crawford, who turned 24 in July, grew up near Dallas, the son of a dermatologist (his father) and a teacher (his mother). (His sister, Candice, just graduated from college and hopes to pursue a career in sports broadcasting.) The story of Crawford’s first encounter with acting is right out of High School Musical or the new Fox sitcom Glee. In high school, Crawford was a football player, even if, he says, he was into art and painting. But during his senior year, the drama teacher asked him to audition for a role in a production of The Boyfriend.

“I sang the National Anthem,” Crawford recalls. He got the part. “It was a good little role and something about it was just fun, but it didn’t even really trigger anything in me.”

After high school, he landed at Pepperdine, a small Jesuit college on the beach in Malibu. A year later, he dropped out to do some soul searching. “I was just sort of confused and didn’t know what I wanted to do,” Crawford explains. “Everyone there seemed like they knew what they wanted to do, which is, of course, complete bullshit. So I took off.”

During that time off – a time when he was valeting cars, “flooring down the street and back” – a friend convinced him that he should meet her commercial agent. “I didn’t realise how much money one commercial could give you. I’d done minimal modelling in Dallas, and just hated it. I met him, and he goes, ‘Can you do improv?’ And I’m like, ‘What’s improv?’”

Wonderland September/October'09 (part 1)

The one thing that I love the most about Wonderland is photography. They have the most adorable, extraordinary photographies. Here's the previous number's photoshoots.

Wide Streches
Photography by Benny Horne

Fashion Editor Way Perry

Boy Anger
Photography by Simon Thiselton
Fashion Editor Grace Cobb

Tight & Torn
Photography by Aitken Jolly
Fashion Editor Anthony Unwin

Photography by Paul Maffi
Fashion Editor Way Perry

You Know You Love Me.